Category: One Thousand (1000) Jokes

1000 Jokes, December 1959


1000 Jokes and its sister Dell publication, For Laughing Out Loud, were edited at various times by prolific and popular gag cartoonists Bill Yates and John Norment. Payment was very small, but it always left me with a feeling of satisfaction to be accepted by fellow cartoonists. Something akin to the feeling I would get now if I were accepted by cartoonist Bob Mankoff at The New Yorker, I guess.

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Welcome to the Eli Stein Cartoon archive. To begin, read my introduction and personal notes, and then please look at the cartoons, which are categorized by either decade, publication name or topic. I’ve included some personal comments, memories and photos below many of the cartoons. I’ll be adding cartoons, memories and photos ad infinitum. Remember, your comments are appreciated (just click on the “comment” link at the bottom of each post).