This “Mickey Mouse hat” cartoon, from 1958, is one that I completely lost track of until I discovered it recently during a search of Wall Street Journals at the library. I was very glad to see it again after all these years (forty-nine years, to be exact).
This is another gag that has been “covered” so many times that it is almost a classic. This was in The Wall Street Journal in 1959 — I'm not saying that it was a “first”, but if anybody knows of earlier versions, I'd be interested in hearing about them.
Yes, believe it or not, there actually was a time when big companies served box lunches to their stockholders who attended annual meetings. In fact, AT&T was famous for their box lunches. Now try to find a company that offers this perk.
Hmmm . . . I wonder if this cartoon had anything to do with their disappearance? Nah!
Another gag on the topic of those l-o-n-g cars they were producing in those days.
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