Contest No. 214 starts right now.
Here are the details: I’ll supply a drawing of one of my old cartoons that has never been published, leaving off my caption. You are invited to supply your funniest captions. To enter, simply (1) click on “See Comments and Add Your Own”. Then (2) scroll down past any other submitted captions and type in your name and your caption in the spaces provided. Then (3) click “Save”. There is no charge to submit captions, and the only prize is the honor of being one of the funniest people around.
Your caption (or captions) will be posted after I review your submission. However, no captions at all will be posted for the first few days of each contest. This will give everybody a chance to submit their spontaneous, gut-instinct caption without fear of discovering that it was ripped off by somebody else’s similar spontaneous, gut-instinct caption. Every posted caption has a notation as to the date and time it was received. This is an equal opportunity contest!
There is no limit on the number of captions you may enter for each drawing, but I will only post and consider the first 15 captions from any contestant. Entries will be accepted and posted for one week, after which a winner will be announced and the winning caption will be printed. Below that I will also reveal my original caption. I am the sole judge and the winning caption will be the one I deem to be the funniest one submitted (not necessarily the one that matches or comes closest to my original caption).
The cut-off time and date for you to send in your captions is midnight Wednesday, July 3, 2024.
Below is the drawing that needs your funny captions. Good luck, Captioneers!
My only excuse is that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree
What do you expect, I’m your son.
I did the best I could, considering where I come from.
“Next year I promise to cheat harder.”
“DNA testing will show that the real issue is my genes.”
“It’s the age-old debate: nature versus nurture.”
“Personally, I see it as more of a metaphor.”
“Since I’m being home-schooled, I thought you would’ve seen this coming.”
“Don’t forget that there is a margain of error.”
“Since it’s an election year, I’ve asked them for a recount.”
“With my whole life ahead of me, I didn’t want to peak too early.”
“I find the marks to be extremely subjective.”
“This quarter, grade inflation cooled considerably.”
“Nobody likes a ‘Know It All’ type.”
Dad, you need to shape up — it`s worse than last year’s.
ChatGPT and I had a long discussion about perspective.
Can we circle back to this later? I’m in a meeting right now.
“My ‘C+’ average is 1.5 grade points higher than any of the schools in our district.”
“Guess what, dad . . . I just found one of ‘YOUR’ fourth grade report cards in the basement.”
“That’s one of your grade school report cards, isn’t it?”
“My ‘C’ average is gooder than the ‘D’ rating the school got.”
“Report Cards are so ‘Old School’.”
“Grandpa gave me one of your old report cards . . . he said I would know the best time to use it!”
“Look at it this way. My chances of improving next year are almost one hundred percent!”
“I could do gooder in readin and writin . . . rithmatic’s got me plum whomper jawed.”
“Think of all the money I’m saving you by not going to college.”
“Some day we’ll laugh about this.”
“Apparently ChatGPT still has room for improvement.”
“Apples don’t cut it anymore.”
“If you take away my TV for one week for each ‘D’, and I have five ‘D’s’, that means no TV for fifteen weeks?”
“I guess you’re mad at my ‘F’-fort?”
“How was I supposed to know the students I copied my answers from were dummer than me?”
“Mom . . . Dad . . . you may not want to post this one on social media.”
There is no such thing as a bad student, only a bad teacher.
“I prefer aspiring to lower education, myself.”
“But my teacher said I failed spectacularly!”
“I didn’t want to exclude D, E, and F.”
“I didn’t have plans this summer anyway.”
“If we pay Donald 1000.00, he says my grades will dramatically improve next time.”
With A.I. the need to memorize facts and figures is futile. I may have an F in math but I’m mining Bitcoin in my room. Check your Paypal account.
“If only the dog had stopped eating my homework.”
“The whole report is hearsay.”
“I know, failure is an orphan.”
“I, for one, believe that failure IS an option.”
“That’s actually my report on your performance as parents this semester. Please try harder.”
“I’m Guido, my brother Anthony and my other brother Anthony said your kid stiffed em’ twenty bucks on a counterfeit report card so here’s the original.”
“All I really need to know I learned in kindergarten.”
“Before we get started, can I offer either of you two an adult beverage?”
“It’s not my fault the teacher is beautiful.”
“You told me to be more like my father.”
“You both got failing grades on Dessert and Allowance.”
“It’s not my fault teachers do not know their subject matter.”
“After reflecting upon my performance and consulting with my aides, I’ve decided to drop out.”
“ I’d like to answer but my lawyer has advised me to assert my 5th amendment privilege to remain silent.”
“Why his’it youz git whomper jawed pert nert ev’r time yee git my English marks?”