Winner of Eli’s Cartoon Caption Contest No. 213

“I don’t see how we could have been found guilty, your honor. We just brought in the sandwiches.”

(by Gayden Wren)


My original caption: “Your honor, my client has jail time issues.”


Congratulations, Gayden Wren! This is your fourth win, and once again you can exercise the bragging rights that go along with the victory — you are indeed one of the funniest people around.

Here are the other captions that I was seriously considering for top honors:

“Not guilty, Your Honor, because of a loophole to be named later.” (by Joe Ayella)

“Deep down, aren’t we all guilty of something?” (also by Joe Ayella)

“Fox News has already decided the outcome. Does that mean we’re done?” (by Meg)

“Your Honour, could we delay the case — my wife has run off with my toupee.” (by Ken Wilkinson)

“My client gets the feeling that you are looking down on him.” (by Pat Foley)

“My client knows he has the right to represent himself and hereby requests a three year continuance to attend law school.” (by Michael Lomazow)

“My client says that his dog ate the exculpatory evidence.” (by Kelly)


I’ll be announcing Contest No. 214 in just a few short weeks, so be on the lookout for it. Thanks for participating, Captioneers!

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