“The ashtray is inconveniently located, however.”
(by Gayden Wren)
My original caption: “The engine is smoking again.”
Congratulations, Gayden Wren, on your third victory (previous wins were in Contests No. 171 and 139). Once again you can bask in the glory of knowing that you are one of the funniest people around. Have a cigar (but please don’t smoke it)!
I thought that there were some excellent entries submitted by you Captioneers this time. Here are the others that got me smiling enough to consider for top honors:
“He knows that smoking is no good for him, but it cuts down on his gasoline intake.” (by Diane)
“He spent a lot of time parked near a sexy Ferrari this morning.” (by Michael Lomazow)
“Can’t believe I won first prize . . . a ‘bottle of the bubbly’ and a ‘smokin hot car’!” (by Kay Ralph)
“Honey, I got a real steal at the Celebrity Auction . . . George Burn’s car!” (also by Kay Ralph)
“You can’t miss it, it’s Groucho Marx’s old car.” (by Pat Foley)
“Hurry, I can’t get my car to quit smoking!” (also by Pat Foley)
“You want to know if there’s smoke coming from the hood? Funny you should ask . . . ” (by Marc Eliot Stein)
“Is this AA1 Automotive Repair Help? The problem is a smoking car — I believe it’s coming from the giant cigar. No, I’m sure I don’t want AA’s!” (also by Kay Ralph)
“I think it just needs a brandy.” (by Rich Wolf)
The next Contest will be posted before you know it. Please be on the lookout for it and thank you for participating!