Day: May 12, 2022

Winner of Eli’s Cartoon Caption Contest No. 186

“Good. Simon says give me your wallet.”

(by Pat Foley)


My original caption: “I need money. The ball is now in your court.”


Congratulations, Pat Foley, on this, your third victory. Once again you can bask in the glory of being one of the funniest people around. I’d like to suggest a simple tweak to your otherwise excellent caption, Pat. Just add the word “Now” to the beginning of the second sentence, so that it reads “Good. Now Simon says give me your wallet.” A big improvement, in my humble opinion.

Here are the other submissions that I was seriously considering for top honors:

“I only take Bitcoin.” (by Michael Lomazow)

“My son needs his acceptance letter. Make it happen.” (also by Michael Lomazow)

“Your money or your Netflix password.” (by kelasher)

“I don’t want your wallet, I want your passwords.” (by Mark Schaefer)

“No really, I’m from ‘Welcome to the Big Apple’. It’s my side gig!” (by Brendan Gannon)

“This is not a robbery. It’s a way to stimulate the economy.” (by Diane)

“You’re gonna cancel my time share, got it!” (also by Michael Lomazow)

“I only accept American Express!!!!” (by Dom Mancino)

“We are a friendly city . . . just not between 34th to 42nd streets.” (also by Michael Lomazow)


Thanks for participating, Captioneers! Contest No. 187 will be coming along in no time at all, so be on the lookout for it.




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