Winner of Eli’s Cartoon Caption Contest No. 170

“No, you can’t have a lollipop.”

(by Marc Eliot Stein)


My original caption: “You’re morphing into a big fat slob.”


Congratulations, Marc Eliot Stein, on your third victory. It was a long time coming — the last time you charted was way back in September 2016, in Contest No. 106. So I guess patience is a virtue and now you’ll be celebrating and whooping it up because once again you have proved to be one of the funniest people around.

There were lots of captions, folks, but it seemed to me that a good many of the submissions were tired re-hashings of all the old doctor/patient gags that have been circulating for decades. When it comes to humor, there’s still a lot to be said for originality and thinking outside the box.

Here are the other captions that I was seriously considering for top honors:

“I’d say you need a little less in the middle and a little more on top.” (by Gayden Wren)

“You have it backwards: it’s three meals a day, and seven food groups.” (by Rich Wolf)

“The good news is that you don’t have covid 19. The bad news is that you have covid 20-24.” (by Michael Lomazow)

“I recommend you stay six feet away from your fridge.” (by Kelasher)

“A classic case of P.D.S. — Pillsbury Doughboy Syndrome!” (by Kay Ralph).  This one came in a close second — I had a hard time deciding between this caption and the winning caption — good job!

The next contest will be posted in just a few short weeks, captioneers. Keep on the lookout for it.


One Comment

  1. Glad you liked my Pillsbury Doughboy caption, Eli – Thanks for the
    encouragement! Congratulations to Marc and all the runners-up.

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