Winner of Eli’s Cartoon Caption Contest No. 168

“Well, I guess I can dispense with the question, ‘Have you been good or bad?'”
(by Cary Antebi)

“I won’t bother to ask if you’ve been naughty or nice!”
(by David Grand)

Yes, it’s another tie! These two strikingly similar captions came in on the very first day of the contest. I didn’t post them until four days later, so nobody, except me, was able to see them for the first three days. Congratulations to Cary Antebi (his thirtieth win — yes, that’s not a mistake, thirtieth! . . . and his last victory was ages ago, in Contest No. 126), and to comparative newcomer David Grand (this is his second win and his first victory was another tie . . . in Contest No. 153).

That Covid-19 bug seems to consistently bring out lots of funny captions. Here are the others that I was seriously considering:

“You realize this beard isn’t a mask, right?” (by John Platt)

“Ho Ho . . . Cough Cough . . . Hack Hack . . . Wheeze Wheeze!” (also by Cary Antebi)

“No, you can’t come visit me in the North Pole!?” (by Kay Ralph)

“Could you put your requests in the mail this year.” (by Michael Lomazow)

“No, you can’t have all the world’s masks.” (by Rich Wolf)

“Please sanitize your chimney, though.” (by Sharon)

“Let’s do this on Zoom next time.” (also by Sharon)

“You’re getting a gift that keeps on giving — a vaccine.” (by Pat Foley)


Nice work, Captioneers. A new Contest will be up before you can say “Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna immunization vaccination”, so be on the lookout for it.

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