Contest No. 161 starts right now.
Briefly, here are the details: I’ll supply a drawing of one of my old cartoons that has never been published, leaving off my caption. You are invited to supply your funniest captions. Simply (1) click on “Add New Comment”. Then (2) scroll down past any other submitted captions and type in your name and your caption in the spaces provided. You will also be asked to verify that you are a human being and not a robot. Please follow the instructions in the “Captcha” box. Then (3) click “Save”.
Your caption (or captions) will be posted after I review your submission. Also, no captions at all will be posted for the first few days of each contest. This is to give everybody a chance to submit their spontaneous, gut-instinct caption without fear of discovering that it was ripped off by somebody else’s similar spontaneous, gut-instinct caption. This is an equal opportunity contest!
There is no limit on the number of captions you may enter for each drawing, but I will only post and consider the first 15 captions from any contestant. Entries will be accepted and posted for one week, after which a winner will be announced and the winning caption will be printed. Below that I will also print my original caption.
The cut-off time and date for you to send in your captions is midnight Tuesday, June 16, 2020.
I will be the sole judge. The winning caption will be the one I judge to be the funniest one submitted (not necessarily the one that matches or comes closest to my original caption). Additional rules and regulations, for those of you who need such things, can be found here.
Below is the drawing that needs your funny captions.
“Honey, I think I solved the
“Honey, I think I solved the social distancing problem!”
Now I know why we do not have
Now I know why we do not have pets.
Don’t you have anything
Don’t you have anything better to do on your way home than to wrestle with the porcupines?
“The murder hornets are back.
“The murder hornets are back.”
“Not the best job interview, I’ll admit.”
“Maybe this is the wrong time to be a door-to-door salesman.”
“I ran into your mother.”
“Were we expecting locusts?”
“I think I’ve got it!!!!
“I think I’ve got it!!!!”
“The first day of school, is
“The first day of school is always the toughest!”
“Guess what… I got the
“Guess what … I got the position in the Chemistry Department!”
“All in all… It was a
“All in all . . . it was a fairly peaceful demonstration!”
“Hi honey … I’m home…I
“Hi honey . . . I’m home. I got you the gloves
and hand-sanitizer that you requested!”
You are right, there is
You are right, there is definitely a pollution problem.
“The bad news is… ‘HAIRCUTZ
“The bad news is . . . ‘HAIRCUTZ’ had an explosion!
The good news is . . . this is the ‘in’ look!”
“Ben, the Barber, used too
“Ben, the barber, used too much alcohol
to ‘Covid-disinfect’ his flat-iron!”
“COVID clean-up time… Did
“COVID clean-up time . . . did you know Rubbing Alcohol
was flammable?”
“Madam… We at ‘ZING’…
“Madam . . . we at ‘ZING’. . . would like to offer you
a chemical-free alternative to mosquito repellents,
with our Super Bug Zapper!”
“Turns out I’m allergic to
“Turns out I’m allergic to hand sanitizer!”
“Try Chloroquine he said…,
“Try Chloroquine he said…, what have you got to lose he said…, hardly anyone has died from it he said!”
“The experients on the new
“The experiments on the new vaccine are going well, but some of the side-effects are problematic!”
“Trump may be on to something
“Trump may be on to something! Day two on Chloroquine, and so far, so good!”
“Well if I had it to do over
“Well if I had it to do over again, I’d probably take the two weeks in quarantine!”
“I did get a haircut!”
“I did get a haircut!”
“While you’re there could you
“While you’re there could you pick me up another box of band-aids!”
“I was literally blown away..
“I was literally blown away . . .
by the new explosives salesman!”
“Werewolves of London again.”
“Werewolves of London again.”
“Get the lawn mower out honey
“Get the lawn mower out honey I need a trim.”
Don’t worry, I covered it
Don’t worry, I covered it with a bandaid.
“From here on, I’m staying
“From here on, I’m staying clear of the Smoking Lounge
on ‘Covid-Clean’ Fridays!”
“As I told you on my cell…
“As I told you on my cell . . . I don’t have a ‘Bee
in my Bonnet!’. . . I have FIRE ANTS in my pants!”
“Go ahead … Cross the
“Go ahead . . . cross the Senior’s picket line . . . you said!”
“It’s very ‘new wave’… The
“It’s very ‘new wave’. . . the students initiate
the ‘teacher’ now!”
Alll of a sudden I got this
Alll of a sudden I got this fuzzy feeling.
“I found out the hard way
“I found out the hard way that 5’11” isn’t enough. It’s got to be a full 6′.”
“I found out I’m allergic to
“I found out I’m allergic to our Chia Pet.”
“I hate getting stuck in
“I hate getting stuck in traffic when the full moon rises.”
“I came close to getting
“I came close to getting fired today. Thankfully they just tarred and feathered me.”
“I haven’t been the same
“I haven’t been the same since they rescued me from that little island.”
“Well don’t just stand there.
“Well don’t just stand there…SCRATCH ME!”
“I rolled all the way home
“I rolled all the way home just to say I’m sorry.”
“A night out with the boys is
“A night out with the boys is not as much fun as it used to be.”
There was a minor mishap at
There was a minor mishap at the fireworks factory today.
I really hate working so
I really hate working so close to the electro static plant.
“No, I wasn’t tased… I was
“No, I wasn’t tased… I was razed…
Floyd lost all control, once he fastened
the electric razor to a two-meter stick!”
“Doc said, it’s the worst
“Doc said, it’s the worst case of ‘Explosive Diarrhea’
that he’s ever seen!”
“Good-news, bad-new! I got
“Good-news, bad-news! I got tested, my anti-bodies are still in phase one!”
“I just heard Hannity, on Fox
“I just heard Hannity, on Fox News say Dr. Fauci is a dentist!”
“I feel like Dorian Gray
“I feel like Dorian Gray meets the Center for Disease Control!”
You were right. This coat and
You were right. This coat and suitcase really are ‘non-stick’!
I think there is a magnetic
I think there is a magnetic storm brewing outside today!
We’re gonna need a bigger
We’re gonna need a bigger Band-Aid!
* OR *
* OR *
I’m gonna need a bigger Band-Aid!
I’m wondering…do you think
I’m wondering . . . do you think I need to upgrade my PPE?
“Thanks Eli… you made my
Thanks Eli… you made my day… This caption immediately came
to mind, because I have a brother-in-law and a niece, who are
both school teachers (One a high school and one kindergarten)
and it would apply to both…LOL!