Contest No. 160 starts right now (another special pandemic contest).
Briefly, here are the details: Usually, I supply a drawing of one of my old cartoons that has never been published, leaving off my caption. For this contest, I’m supplying a new drawing. You are invited to submit your funniest captions. Simply (1) click on “Add New Comment” on the bottom of this posting. Then (2) scroll down past any other submitted captions and type in your name and your caption in the spaces provided. You will also be asked to verify that you are a human being and not a robot — please follow the instructions in the “Captcha” box. Then (3) click “Save”.
Your caption (or captions) will be posted after I review your submission. However, no captions at all will be posted for the first few days of the contest. This is to give everybody a chance to submit their spontaneous, gut-instinct caption without fear of discovering that it was ripped off by somebody else’s similar spontaneous, gut-instinct caption. This is an equal opportunity contest!
There is no limit on the number of captions you may enter, but I will only post and consider the first 15 captions from any contestant.
The cut-off time and date for you to send in your captions is midnight Tuesday, May 19, 2020. Shortly after that, the winner will be announced and the winning caption will be posted. I will be the sole judge and the winning caption will be the one I judge to be the funniest one submitted. Again, for this special contest only, I am not supplying an old cartoon of mine, so I do not have any original caption to reveal.
Below is the drawing that needs your funny captions.
Wow, this coronavirus is really getting around. Just a few weeks ago it was seen on a psychiatrist’s couch, and now it’s showing up on an almost deserted island. And it looks like it’s actually communicating! What does it have to say? Well, that’s up to you, captioneers. Good luck . . . and stay healthy!
“Stop worrying! I just
“Stop worrying! I’m just waiting for the next Princess cruise.”
You cannot hide from me.
You cannot hide from me.
“Found you!”
“Found you!”
“This island isn’t big enough
“This island isn’t big enough for the two of us.”
Where is your mask?
Where is your mask?
“Honest to God, how much more
“Honest to God, how much more socially distant can I get?”
“…and don’t go looking for
“…and don’t go looking for any cruise ships, either. It’s just you and me now!”
“Not the celebrity you wanted to be stranded with, am I?”
“Call me Wilson.”
“What do you mean… You came
“What do you mean … you came here to get away from me?”
“Relax Bud… This island is
“Relax, Bud … this island is seven feet in diameter!”
“Look on the bright side…
“Look on the bright side … you could be stuck with
the King of the Cannibal tribe!”
“Well… If the Search and
“Well … If the Search and Rescue doesn’t make it in time …
I know you won’t ‘Eat’ me!
“That’s amusing… you jumped
“That’s amusing … you jumped the Caribbean Cruise Ship to
avoid my cousin … and instead, you got stuck with me!”
“Really…That would be your
“Really…that would be your ‘One Wish’?
You couldn’t access toilet paper on the mainland, either!”
“Sorry… I don’t think
“Sorry … I don’t think Bathing or, Sun-bathing, sits well with me!”
“I’m no Angelina Jolie… but
“I’m no Angelina Jolie … but at least you’re not all alone!”
“No, I’m all alone… I got
“No, I’m all alone … I got separated from all my relatives
on the cruise ship, too!”
“Nice try”
“Nice try”
“It looks like just you and
“It looks like just you and me are here . . . well, maybe YOU for just awhile.”
“The good news is, the bottle
“The good news is, the bottle you sent with the note for help inside, reached civilization. The bad news is…I got it.”
“Aren’t you glad you’re not
“Aren’t you glad you’re not stranded alone anymore?”
“You must be sick and tired
“You must be sick and tired of being alone here for two years. Well, I’ll alleviate the tired part.”
“Don’t worry about me harming
“Don’t worry about me harming you. I worked out all that negative behavior with a psychiatrist.”
“You’re just hallucinating..
“You’re just hallucinating…I’m just a coconut.”
“You look like you haven’t
“You look like you haven’t had a drink for days. How would you like a Corona?”
“Am I glad you have arrived
“Am I glad you have arrived here. I’ve been dying to infect someone.”
“You’ve been alone for five
“You’ve been alone for five years! You must be dying for some infection…er, I mean affection.”
“Getting shipwrecked and
“Getting shipwrecked and stranded on an island with a virus the same day…now that’s what I call bad luck!
“Look on the bright side..
“Look on the bright side…you don’t have to be quarantined.”
“How’d I get here? Who do you
“How’d I get here? Who do you think infected all the people on your ship that went down?
“After Tahiti, Maui, Bora
“After Tahiti, Maui, Bora Bora, and Fiji, your island was next on my list.”
“Sorry pal, but there’s not
“Sorry pal, but there’s not enough room on this island to stay six feet apart.”
“I know I’m a wimp, but don’t
“I know I’m a wimp, but don’t start coughing on me.”
“I followed you… when you
“I followed you … when you jumped ship!”
When you get hungry enough,
When you get hungry enough, you’ll eat!
You’re getting veeerrry
You’re getting veeerrry sleepy…
I understand you’ve been out
I understand you’ve been out of touch lately, but praying for a lifetime supply of Corona means a different thing these days.
Remember me? From the cruise
Remember me? From the cruise ship?
Either by land, in the air or
Either by land, in the air or at sea, there is no escape
from me.
Hey,hey, you can’t get away
Hey,hey, you can’t get away from me.
“We have to stop meeting like
“We have to stop meeting like this!”
“I believe, the customary
“I believe, the customary response…
is ‘Gesundheit’!”
“Why do you want to build a
“Why do you want to build a wall?”
“Don`t look so worried I`m
“Don`t look so worried I`m not a naval mine.”
“Why won’t you play ‘desert
“Why won’t you play ‘desert island movies’ with me?”
Why do you keep singing Happy
Why do you keep singing Happy Birthday to me?
Thanks for not staying
Thanks for not staying indoors pal.
This isn’t Pismo Beach!
This isn’t Pismo Beach!
When does the party get
When does the party get started around here?
I’m really sorry, but this
I’m really sorry, but this island is only 5 1/2 feet wide!
And you thought getting ship
And you thought getting ship wrecked sucked.
I have been on this island so
I have been on this island so long that even you are
beginning to look good to me.
So… fall off a boat too?
So… fall off a boat too?
We’re under a microscope.
We’re under a microscope. Wave hello!
Figured I’d get ready for
Figured I’d get ready for Halloween. Do you like my costume?
Know any good jokes?
Know any good jokes?
Wake up! This is a fever
Wake up! This is a fever dream.
Just don’t touch your face.
Just don’t touch your face.
At least contact tracing won
At least contact tracing won’t be necessary.
Impressed with your
Impressed with your quarantine but sorry.
Elbow bump?
Elbow bump?
My psychiatrist said I needed
My psychiatrist said I needed a vacation.
Have any toilet paper?
Have any toilet paper?
Well, at least I’m cute.
Well, at least I’m cute.
Next time turn your GPS off.
Next time turn your GPS off.
I understand I’m toxic. But I
I understand I’m toxic. But I love you.
I liked being invisible. Now
I liked being invisible. Now that I’m famous, everyone has that face when they see me.
Of all the islands in the
Of all the islands in the world, you land on mine.
I just want to be your friend
I just want to be your friend.
I hope you’ve been taking
I hope you’ve been taking your hydroxychloroquine.