Contest No. 157 starts right now.
Briefly, here are the details: I’ll supply a drawing of one of my old cartoons that has never been published, leaving off my caption. You are invited to supply your funniest captions. Simply (1) click on “Add New Comment”. Then (2) scroll down past any other submitted captions and type in your name and your caption in the spaces provided. You will also be asked to verify that you are a human being and not a robot. Please follow the instructions in the “Captcha” box. Then (3) click “Save”.
Your caption (or captions) will be posted after I review your submission. Also, no captions at all will be posted for the first few days of each contest. This is to give everybody a chance to submit their spontaneous, gut-instinct caption without fear of discovering that it was ripped off by somebody else’s similar spontaneous, gut-instinct caption. This is an equal opportunity contest!
There is no limit on the number of captions you may enter for each drawing, but I will only post and consider the first 15 captions from any contestant. Entries will be accepted and posted for one week, after which a winner will be announced and the winning caption will be printed. Below that I will also print my original caption.
The cut-off time and date for you to send in your captions is midnight Tuesday, March 3, 2020.
I will be the sole judge. The winning caption will be the one I judge to be the funniest one submitted (not necessarily the one that matches or comes closest to my original caption). Additional rules and regulations, for those of you who need such things, can be found here.
Below is the drawing that needs your funny captions.
“OK, OK, we’ll fix the
“OK, OK, we’ll fix the intercom!”
Young man, I want you to be a
Young man, I want you to be a symbol of authority, not a
cymbal to be played.
Oh, C’mon- I know you value
Oh, c’mon – I know you value lifestyle, but I only changed muffin brands in the breakroom!
“I told you to toot your own
“I told you to toot your own horn, not deafen me?”
I know you’re happy about
I know you’re happy about your promotion, but you don’t have to go around making a lot of noise about it!
“I already said, you got the
“I already said you got the job … a simple
thank you would suffice!”
You’d better not have 76
You’d better not have 76 trombones behind you!
“You’re a natural, Mr.
“You’re a natural, Mr. Ritchie … however, if you
review our ad … it stated proficiency in ‘symbols’
“When our ad stated, that we
“When our ad stated that we were searching for a creative
candidate who ‘marched to their own drummer … this is
not what we had in mind!”
“Yes, Mr. Lawrence … your
“Yes, Mr. Lawrence … your ploy worked … I definitely
will remember ‘you’ from the crowd of interested candidates.”
We asked for a symbol of your
We asked for a symbol of your devotion. A SYMBOL!
I heard you the first time Mr
I heard you the first time, Mr Jenkins!
Yes, I’ll turn down the Muzak
Yes, I’ll turn down the Muzak in your office Mr Jenkins.
Yes, I know its 5 pm on
Yes, I know its 5 pm on Friday, but you don’t need to sound so excited!
I see you are practicing for
I see you are practicing for jury duty selection tomorrow.
I really don’t think that is
I really don’t think that is appropriate here at the Sleepy Time Mattress Company.
OK, you may go to your sons
OK, you may go to your son’s band recital this afternoon.
“Don’t crash my office.”
“Don’t crash my office.”
“Perkins,get your hearing
“Perkins, get your hearing tested. I said my wife wants a pair of thimbles.”
“No,Smithers! That’s not what
“No, Smithers! That’s not what I meant by waking up your sales department.”
Mr. Jenkins, I think it’s
Mr. Jenkins, I think it’s time I give you your marching orders!
Getting ready for March
Getting ready for March Madness are we?
You don’t need to announce
You don’t need to announce yourself every time I ask you to come and see me.
“I fear this interview will
“I fear this interview will end … ‘not with
a bang … but a whimper!'”
“Let me guess… you’re
“Let me guess … you’re applying for the position
on the ‘Energizer Bunny’ account.”
Your symbolism is well noted.
Your symbolism is well noted.
“OK, you’ve got my undivided
“OK, you’ve got my undivided attention. Now I’ll get yours…YOUR FIRED!”
“Didn’t anybody ever tell you
“Didn’t anybody ever tell you you’re supposed to knock before you enter an office.”
“Ah… So you have heard! I’m
“Ah … So you have heard! I’m afraid it’s true…
You’ve been summoned here, for your ‘marching papers’.”
Hey! Next time just call me
Hey! Next time just call me on the phone! Oh, never mind. Eli didn’t give me one.