Winner of Eli’s Cartoon Caption Contest No. 135

         1) “Hi Mom! Do you know how you said I’d be canonized one day?”

                          2) “I was hired and fired in the same day!”

                                        (both by Richard Wolf)


My original caption: “Great news, dear! I’ve been fired!”


Wow, this guy Richard Wolf is smokin’ hot! This is his third straight win, with not one, but two great captions, and it’s his fourth win overall! Congrats, Richard — you doubly earned the title this time — you’re definitely one of the funniest people around.

I hesitated using this drawing for my Caption Contest for a long, long time. I figured that my original caption was so obvious that everybody would just dash it off and send it in, and that would make for a very boring contest. Well, you captioneers certainly proved me wrong. Sure, a few of you came up with variations on my caption . . .  and Richard Wolf even took it a step further in one of his winning captions . . . but all in all, the submitted captions showed some interesting initiatives.

Here are the other captions that I was seriously considering for top honors:

“You were right, Mom, I should have become an accountant.” (by Cary Antebi)

“I don’t think Vaping is any safer!” (by Kay Ralph)

“You’re my agent, Harry. what do you suggest for an encore?” (also by Kay Ralph)

“No, I said ‘HIGHER’, not ‘FIRE’!” (by Tim Collins)

“Well, Marcia, contrary to how you feel, I’ve just proven I’m not a dud.” (also by Cary Antebi)

“Yes, dear, I have one more act in about five minutes, so I should be home in about six minutes.” (by mel tananbaum)

Nice work, folks — be on the lookout for the next contest, coming up soon.


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