“Prince Michael, I always wanted something better for you.”
(by Brendan Gannon)
My original caption: “I’ve had it with juggling and pratfalls. Don’t you know any ethnic jokes?”
Nice going, Brendan Gannon — this is your first victory, so you get a huge congratulations! You are now officially one of the funniest people around.
There weren’t too many captions submitted for this contest, so I guess this drawing ranks up there as a “difficult” one. Yes, it’s not easy for me to figure out which of my old drawings will attract a lot of captions, and which will flop.
Here are the other captions that I was seriously considering:
“It’s come to my attention that you have been juggling your time between me and that Santa guy.” (by Ronn Roxx)
“Your motivation is I’m your father and I told you to.” (by Rich Wolf)
“I said I wanted chainsaws.” (by Jason Tolbert)
“Let’s see what you’ve got, the balls are in your court.” (by Joshua Cadwallader)
And my appreciation goes out to Max West, for his caption “Remember — the pellet with the poison’s in the flagon with the dragon; the vessel with the pestle has the brew that is true.” It got a big laugh from me, because I had never connected Danny Kaye and his film “The Court Jester” with this cartoon, and the quote was so appropriate. Funny as it was to me, I didn’t feel that the caption made for a commercially-acceptable cartoon, so it just gets this special “honorable mention”. Maybe if you had included the additional routine about “the chalice from the palace”, Max . . . (just kidding, it still wouldn’t have won, but it probably would have gotten an even bigger laugh from me).
Thanks for the submissions, captioneers. A new contest will start a couple of weeks from now — and I’ll try to make it easier.