Winner of Eli’s Cartoon Caption Contest No. 120

“Well, it’s been ten years now . . . what do you say we rearrange the furniture?”

                                             (by Cary Antebi)

                “I was thinking about re-arranging the furniture today!”

                                             (by Tim Collins)


My original caption: “The maximum penalty the law allowed? Wow, that’s impressive!”

Yes, it’s a tie, so congratulations Cary Antebi and Tim Collins for your very similar captions. You’ve both earned the “one of the funniest people around” title before . . . this is the twenty-eighth time for Cary and the third time for Tim.

I have to admit that I was that close to giving myself the title this time around, because, once again, I felt that my original caption was much funnier than any of the captions submitted. 

And speaking of all the captions submitted, it looks like I’ll have to impose a limit on the number of captions any individual can enter into each contest, and the number will probably be 15. After all, if you can’t make a funny statement in 15 attempts, maybe you should should wait for the next drawing.

Here are the other captions that I was considering:

“So I says, ‘Your honor, who died and made you Judge’?” (also by Tim Collins)

“Have you seen “The Shawshank Redemption’?” (by Segie Tvizer)

“Let’s be adventurous and do something different today . . . you sit and I’ll lie.” (also by Cary Antebi)

The new contest should be up in a couple of weeks. Thanks for competing!


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