Winner of Eli’s Cartoon Caption Contest No. 107

                                  “Shhhh, your apron is too loud.”

                                            (by Cary Antebi)


My original caption: “Don’t tell me, let me guess. You want a barbecue cookbook?”


What?! Another win for Cary Antebi? Yes, and it’s a good, solid caption, for your TWENTY-FOURTH top prize. Congrats once again, Cary Antebi . . . you are consistently one of the funniest people around.

Here are the other captions that I was seriously considering:

“Sorry to tell you this, Sir, but your face does not match the enthusiasm of your apron.” (by Sharon)

“Not so easy, is it?” (by Tim Collins)

“Cook books are on aisle 3, dressing for success, aisle 6.” (also by Cary Antebi)

“Sorry, we don’t have a book called ‘Barbecuing for Dummies’.” (by Arlene Grand). [Actually, Arlene, I’m pretty sure there is such a book — if not, there certainly should be one.]

“Barbecue books are at 641.76; books on putting out fires are at 363.37.” (by Kelasher)

“‘Dress for Success’? Aisle 3.” (by Jo Pette)

Nice going, captioneers. Look for Contest No. 108 in just a couple of weeks.



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