Winner of Eli’s Cartoon Caption Contest No. 94
“We lost our house during the recent hurricane, and wish to know if it was found.”
(by Marvin Sager)
My original caption: “Where do we go to take our vows of poverty?”
Congratulations to first time entrant Marvin Sager — you are now officially “one of the funniest people around”, and you’re entitled to all the bragging rights that go with that title.
In general, I found that most of the captions entered for this contest were sort of mean-spirited (but not in a funny way). These are the few other captions that I was considering for top prize:
“My wife says I need a license to speak.” (by Cary Antebi)
“I’d like to speak to a computer.” (by Brendan Powers)
“I was a Boy Scout. Can I get a discount on our taxes?” (by Howard Garrett)
Anne Noonan’s caption would have had an excellent chance to win if it were worded slightly differently, with the old man talking, something like: “We’re celebrating our 25th anniversary and thought it was time to get a marriage license.” (you always have to be aware of which character in the drawing is speaking, Anne).
And finally, I have to admit that I still like my original caption (see above) — too bad I couldn’t have declared myself the winner.
New contest in two weeks or so. Happy New Year, everyone!