Winner of Eli’s Cartoon Caption Contest No. 72

                     “I know the nurse, but who the hell are you two?”

                                         (by Howard Garrett)


My original caption: “My only regret is that I never had anything to blab to the tabloids.”


My heartfelt congratulations, Howard Garrett! This is your second win, and once again you can bask in the glory of being “One of the Funniest People Around”.

There were lots of good captions submitted, and quite a few, I thought, were funnier than my rather tame original caption. Here are the ones that almost made it:

“Stop standing there and do something to get me out of here!” (by Anne Noonan)

“Who’s standing on my catheter?” (by Dale Stout)

“Can we just take one last selfie?” (by Levi)

“It was the damn ED pill!” (by Joe Flynn) [ED=Erectile Dysfunction]

“Get the hell out of here. I’m missing the Jerry Springer Show.” (also by Howard Garrett)

“I’ve prepared for this moment and I’m ready to go. Nurse, bring me my bed pan.” (by Cary Antebi)


Good captioning, everyone. Be on the lookout for Contest No. 73 — it’ll be showing up real soon.

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