Eli’s Cartoon Caption Contest No. 63

Contest No. 63 starts right now.

Briefly, here are the details: I’ll supply a drawing of one of my old cartoons that has never been published, leaving off my caption. You are invited to supply your funniest captions. Simply (1) click on “Add New Comment”. Then (2) scroll down past any other submitted captions and type in your name and your caption in the spaces provided. Then (3) click “Save”. Your caption (or captions) will be posted after I review your submission.

There is no limit on the number of captions you can enter for each drawing. Entries will be accepted and posted for one week, after which a winner will be announced and the winning caption will be printed. Below that I will also print my original caption.

The cut-off time and date for you to send in your captions for this contest is midnight Tuesday, February 18, 2014.

I will be the sole judge. The winning caption will be the one I judge to be the funniest one submitted (not necessarily the one that matches or comes closest to my original caption). Additional rules and regulations, for those of you who need such things, can be found here.

Below is the drawing that needs your caption.


  1. “I think I may have
    “I think I may have overlooked something in my job description.”

    “Thank you for called Dewey, Smokem and Howe, how may I help you?”

    “I’m sorry, this isn’t the tobacco quit helpline. It’s a common mistake.”

  2. Did you say that the Circus
    Did you say that the Circus is in town, and the acts are “smoking hot ones?” drmrs 2/11/2014

  3. “I just got a promotion to
    “I just got a promotion to the front ash tray.”

    “Kaufman and Kaufman, experts in subliminal advertising.”

  4. 1) I think I’m going to be
    1) I think I’m going to be canned.
    2) Where there’s smoke, there’s firings.
    3) The trouble is this job does have its lighter moments.
    4) They say conditions will improve, but I’m not holding my breath.

  5. My therapist likes to uncover
    My therapist likes to uncover my hidden depths. But he also says sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

  6. “Personally, I wouldn’t have
    “Personally, I wouldn’t have chosen this reception desk for the Girls Scouts of America.”

    “First guy who comes in and actually tries to use this…I’m out of here.”

    “The night janitor says it takes him an hour just to empty this monstrosity.”

  7. Oh, hi Gladys,I got a “lucky
    Oh, hi Gladys,I got a “lucky strike”. The “viceroy” and “parliament” chose me to be the receptionist here in “marlboro” country. It’s really “kool”.Say hello to “winston” and “kent”, ta ta!

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Welcome to the Eli Stein Cartoon archive. To begin, read my introduction and personal notes, and then please look at the cartoons, which are categorized by either decade, publication name or topic. I’ve included some personal comments, memories and photos below many of the cartoons. I’ll be adding cartoons, memories and photos ad infinitum. Remember, your comments are appreciated (just click on the “comment” link at the bottom of each post).
