Winner of Eli’s Cartoon Caption Contest No. 60

                              “Yes, Sonny, there IS a Santa Claus.”

                                         (by Harvey Appelbaum)


My original caption: “I’m on the sixth floor.”


Congratulations, Harvey Appelbaum — this is your first victory, and I know you’ve been submitting captions here for a long time. Now you can finally bask in the glory of being one of the funniest people around.

This was another tough contest for me to judge. The main reason is that I really liked Howard Garrett’s caption, “Where do I find Santa Claus?” The only problem is that in the drawing, it’s Santa who’s doing the talking, and not the kid. If it was the other way around, this caption would have been a winner.

I also really liked Dale Stout’s “NSA” caption (see below). And I have to confess that I’m still proud of my original caption — it’s a mystery to me why my cartoon was never snapped up by some publication or other.

So these are the other captions that I was seriously considering for the top prize:

“The NSA already knows what you want, kid.” (by Dale Stout)

“I cannot promise it by Xmas sonny, you would do better on line.” (by Andrew Bramley)

“I got fired by the Complaint Department. I was too jolly.” (by Cary Antebi)

The next contest is scheduled to begin on the last day of the year. In the meantime, enjoy the holiday festivities!


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