Winner of Eli’s Cartoon Caption Contest No. 35



"It's a new way to lose some weight!"

(by Lila)


My original caption: "I've lost twenty pounds since we bought it."

Congratulations, Lila, you're now officially one of the funniest people around!

Yes, once again the winning caption came very close to my original caption. I also liked both of Tom Nelson's captions:

"Since we can't afford the vibrating chair he really wanted, my husband is trying the next best thing. Rock music with the bass turned up."

And "It's called Heavy Metal massage therapy."

I thought all three captions were commercially-acceptable and worthy of publication, but Lila's had the winning edge.

Very few captions this time around. Where is Cary Antebi when we need him? I'll try to make the next contest easier — no, no, not another psychiatrist couch or desert isle!!




  1. Congrats Lila!
    Congrats Lila!

    So no psychiatrist couch or desert isle. What about a bearded man holding a protest sign?

  2. Congratulations to Lila. Way
    Congratulations to Lila. Way to go!! I am glad you liked my entries, Eli.Have a nice day. I will be looking forward to your next caption contest. Tom

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