Winner of Eli’s Cartoon Caption Contest No. 33
"I guess you didn't get the memo about casual Friday." (by Levi)
My original caption: "It happens to be casual Friday."
Congratulations, Levi — this is your third winning effort, confirming that you are indeed one of the funniest people around.
Yes, Levi's caption is very close to my original caption, but — despite that — I honestly felt that it was the funniest of all the captions submitted.
Some of the other entries that I was considering:
"I could look more presentable if I got better tips." (by Anne Noonan)
"Would you like your wine with glasses or just straight from the bottle?" (by Cary Antebi)
"We're out of napkins but you can use my shirt." (also by Cary Antebi)
My thanks to everybody who contributed. The next contest will be up before you know it.