Winner of Eli’s Cartoon Caption Contest No. 24


“What's your name again?” (by John Platt)

My original caption: “Besides hunters, I've been having trouble with low-flying planes.”

Congratulations, John — this is your fourth win and you are certainly one of the funniest guys around.

Some of the other captions I was considering:

“The overalls with NEIGHBOR written down the side should be showing up in the mailbox any day now.” (by Sharon)

“For another $10.00 I'll paint 'FARMER' on the back of your shirt.” (by Howie Garrett)

“School field trips started complaining my farm wasn't 'educational' enough.” (by Jonathan)

“We've even got towels that say 'His' and 'Her's'.” (by Cary Antebi)

“I know it's not very creative but it's only my first attempt at graffiti.” (by Cary Antebi)

“I got tired of those city slickers saying all farmers are illiterate.” (by Melissa)

“We're being subsidized by Fisher Price.” (by Melissa)

And Levi almost snuck in a winner with his clever late-entry “CAPTION” caption. Almost, but not quite.

I chose John Platt's caption not only because it was very funny and to the point, but also because it was in the form of a question. You may very well ask, what the heck difference does that make? Well, you just haven't been paying attention. For an explanation, please read my posting in Eli's Corner dated August 28, 2006, entitled “The Eli Stein School of Gagwriting”. You can link to it right here

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