My caption for this cartoon was a much longer one, starting with “Try me . . . ” and then going on with a sentence containing the punch line. The cartoon editor of Florida Bar News sent me a note saying she’d like to buy the cartoon, but wanted to run it with just “Try me.” as the caption. No way, I replied indignantly, explaining that it simply wasn’t a funny caption. She was insistent and I finally caved in, figuring she was the customer. . . she was paying for it . . . it was her publication, etc. Well, that was a long time ago, but I still feel the same way and I’m still curious — does anybody see any humor in this cartoon as it was finally published?
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Yes, actually, I think it is funny. But can you tell us the full caption so we can judge the difference?
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OK, I didn’t want to complicate the issue by telling my full caption, but that’s a fair request. I looked it up and my original caption was “Try me. I think I can safely assure you that all those nitty-gritty details will not bore me.”
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They are both funny.