"Did you mean to include an irrational figure in your equation?" (by Kelasher)
My original caption: "Er . . . back up a little, you lost me somewhere."
So congratulations, Kelasher — this is your fifth win and you certainly deserve to consider yourself one of the funniest people around.
This turned out to be a tough one to judge — many similar captions, but not a single one that stood out.
Some of the other captions I was considering: Of course, Matt's extended caption (which I won't repeat here) — a very good entry that brought a smile to my face, but still didn't quite make it. Frank's "Godrey, my man, I must say the figures are astounding.", and Cary Antebi's "Amazing, when you add her to the equation . . . 1 +1 doesn't equal 2!"
To all of you who are positive that YOUR caption should have won, well, that's the cartoon business for you — always irrational.
Don't ever give up –a new contest will appear shortly.