Winner of Eli’s Cartoon Caption Contest No. 3
You think it's easy being a judge? Where are Simon Cowell and Ellen DeGeneres when you really need them?
I know that all of you honestly feel that your particular entry should win, but please remember that, deserving as all of your captions were, there can only be one top dog. Here it is:
“Tuna fish . . . again?”
My original caption:
“Why can't you just open a can of tuna fish, like other wives do?”
So congratulations, Levi! You're the winner of Contest No. 3, which makes you the funniest guy around . . . for now, anyway.
I was delighted that nobody went with the old “I had it for lunch” shtick — that shows that you all have very good taste. I was surprised that nobody brought Martha Stewart or Rachael Ray into the mix, although one caption brought up Julia Child (from Kelasher). I was also impressed by the reference to sweat bands that appeared in another caption (from Keith Brown). Those were supposed to be edible, decorative strips of garnish, Keith, but they do look like sweat bands, don't they?
Thanks to all of you who participated.
Contest No. 4 will start in a few weeks.