In The Twilight Zone
I was watching snippets of “The Twilight Zone” marathon (a New Year’s Day tradition on the Sci-Fi channel) and realized that I actually have a connection to TTZ — far afield, I admit, but a connection just the same.
A few years after Rod Serling’s death, his wife Carol helped subsidize the publication of “The Twilight Zone Magazine”, a monthly which started in April 1981 and continued until it folded in early 1989. It was primarily an outlet for fantasy and horror articles and fiction, but — surprise, surprise — it also ran gag cartoons.
I had this cartoon in the April 1988 issue:
The issue contained just six cartoons, including one each by New Yorker cartoonists Leo Cullum and Tom Cheney. Cullum’s drawing style has evolved so much since 1988. The Cheney, on the other hand, is instantly recognizable.
Also in this issue was a brief article on movie-going by New Yorker cartoonist Gahan Wilson, accompanied by this spot illustration by him.